Cerastus Knight Lancer Guide
In an effort to familiarize myself with painting miniatures on a smaller scale, I took on the task of painting the two Cerastus Knight Lancers from the Adeptus Titanicus starter set, released a few years ago. I acquired this box at a reasonable price, viewing it as an exciting way to build anticipation for the upcoming Legions Imperialis release.
Assembly and Base Preparation:
I started by adhering the miniatures to the provided bases using double-sided foam tape from 3M. Since the bases for Legions Imperialis will differ from the originally provided 50-millimeter bases, I opted for a temporary solution until I can obtain the new bases, which are thinner and feature an imprinted city texture to complement the Legions Imperialis (LI) miniatures in the new system.
I sprayed Chaos Black onto the miniatures using rattle cans from Games Workshop. I’ve consistently experienced success with these cans, and I’m content with the investment, especially considering less favorable experiences with alternative spray primers.
Airbrushing the Metallics:
Transitioning to the airbrush, I applied Vallejo Metal Color Magnesium as the base, followed by a lighter highlight from above with Vallejo Metal Color Aluminum. While I prefer using an airbrush, it’s worth noting that for this project, a drybrush of a similar color can serve as an alternative method with equally consistent high-quality results.

Adding Gold or Copper Accents:
To break up the predominant metallic silver tones, I selected areas for gold accents. I used Pro Acryl Rich Gold, although alternatives like Retributor Armor or Hashut Copper would yield a similar result depending on tone preference or paint availability.
Applying a Wash:
Moving on, I reintroduced definition to the model by applying a wash. While various types of washes could be utilized, I opted for Agrax Earthshade Gloss to preserve the shine of the metallics and reduce staining. Oils are also a fantastic choice for this step, as would be enamels from AK interactive such as Streaking Grime.

Introducing Color Beyond Metallics:
Departing from metallics, I decided to paint my knights as members of House Krast, drawing inspiration from reference material in the Loyalist Legios book for Adeptus Titanicus, easily found online. House Krast aligns with the Legio that I plan to paint for the game, which is Legio Metalica. House Krast features blue armor panels, broken up with yellow and white fields, adorned with red and black details.
Painting House Krast Heraldry:
For the blue armor, I utilized Dark Blue and Blue from Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl range. The coverage, finish, and richness of Monument’s colors have become my go-to for projects. However, any dark blue and mid-tone blue can serve equally well. Kantor Blue and Teclis Blue from GW are excellent for this project.

Painting Yellow Fields and Red Heraldry:
Yellow fields were based with Pro Acryl Dark Ivory to enhance vibrancy, and it’s also the base for all the “white” fields that will remain this color on the model. Pro Acryl Warm Yellow was applied to the yellow fields, followed by glazes of Contrast Nazdreg Yellow to introduce a brown tone for the shadows.
Adding Heraldry Details:
I applied Pro Acryl Burnt Red to add heraldry details on the plates, incorporating triangles and stripes to break up the white fields. The fields are then lined with black paint, which can be combined with the freehanding of the House Krast iconography utilizing the same color.
Freehanding House Krast Cross:
For the cross iconography of House Krast, I recommend using transfers if available. Lacking transfers, I opted for freehanding. Imperfections are overlooked given the size of these gaming miniatures. To create the cross, I applied Contrast Black Legion paint, forming two perpendicular lines in the shape of a crosshair for the basic shape and spacing. Caps for the cross are added at the ends of each point, and curved lines are painted from the ends of the caps towards the center of the cross. Thinner curves towards the middle of the shape are the end goal. Mistakes are forgivable, and any errors can be rectified using Pro Acryl Dark Ivory and yellow glazes to simulate chipping or scratching. For irreparable mistakes, covering the field with Ivory and repeating the steps to return to the yellow base is a viable solution.

Final Touches and Future Plans:
Upon receiving my bases, I will add the final images to the gallery. The plan for the bases involves a base coat in Dark Warm Grey from Pro Acryl (Mechanicus Standard Grey works too), followed by a drybrush with a lighter grey to enhance edge textures. Washing with Agrax Earthshade and Athonian Camoshade, I will allow the washes to mix freely for added interest. A second drybrush with a light grey will be applied once the washes are dry. Finally, black paint will be applied to the base rims and complete the bases. Black base rims frame and enhance the visibility of the miniatures on the battlefield.